" questo spazio è stato pensato per dare un’opportunità agli studenti di architettura di Trieste di trovarsi, conoscersi e scambiarsi notizie informazioni esperienze….
come tutti sappiamo bene la situazione della facoltà è piuttosto precaria: mancanza di una sede, carenza di spazi, penuria di attrezzature, precarietà dei docenti… sono tutte condizioni che minano le nostre possibilità di vivere l’esperienza universitaria in maniera piena e produttiva. "

23 febbraio 2010


Ekokook is designed for people who want to reduce their ecological footprint to the bare minimum by producing green energy, reducing energy consumption and properly managing their waste. This green kitchen turns everyday waste into a new reusable source of energy, where each drop of water that fell on the roof or came from a tap should be used to the maximum instead of going straight down the drain, that every watt of wind and solar power produced by the house should be valorized on the spot.

Here is how Faltazi describes this endeavour: Ekokook is about implementing a comprehensive prospective research project for eco-friendly habitat in the real world, the Faltazi Lab. We are trying to answer the question of how to introduce ecological projects into the home. How to upgrade existing housing without Advocating complete reconstruction. The obvious responses are those that use non-structural elements of living space (doors, windows, equipments ...), which can be mass-produced industrially and are simple to install. We focus on the material interfaces between habitat and external resources. Each wall, each balcony, each window, each door, each shutter can serve as a support for an eco-system. Each facility in interaction with external networks (sink drain, garbage receptacle ...) can be upgraded to produce an immediate eco-benefit. All the air, water, wind and sun that reach habitat must be seen as scarce resources to be captured and used. Each drop of water must be collected and used to the Utmost before being evacuated to external networks. Slowly but surely, the accumulated effects of these eco-benefits will change our environmental footprint for the better.

Ekokook grew out of an experimental approach based on the analysis of the nerve center of every home, the kitchen. The place where we store food and prepare food, and produce and evacuate wastes is a vital core area for exchanges and convergences. It is also a place that generates all sorts of pollution. Which makes it the ideal focus for a study in eco-design.

Ekokook video
Via: Appliancist

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